Day 11: Humility – Ouch!

F=Fast from thinking that your ideas are better than others

E=(Encourage) Praise someone’s ideas today

A=Admit that you have felt that your needs and ideas were more important than another’s needs and ideas (continue to grow that “servant’s heart”)

S=(Scripture) Philippians 2:3-5; Matthew 5:5; Proverbs 16:18

T=Thank God that His ways are far above our ways

Nothing should be done because of pride or thinking about yourself. Think of other people as more important than yourself. Do not always be thinking about your own plans only. Be happy to know what other people are doing. (Philippians 2:3-5; New Life Version)

Those who have no pride in their hearts are happy, because the earth will be given to them. (Matthew 5:5; New Life Version)

If you’ve gotten anything at all out of following Christ, if his love has made any difference in your life, if being in a community of the Spirit means anything to you, if you have a heart, if you care— then do me a favor: Agree with each other, love each other, be deep-spirited friends. Don’t push your way to the front; don’t sweet-talk your way to the top. Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead. Don’t be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand. (Philipians 2:1-4; Message Bible)

First pride, then the crash—
the bigger the ego, the harder the fall.
(Proverbs 16:18; Message Bible)

Except you become as little children:

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13 Responses to Day 11: Humility – Ouch!

  1. Carolyn Macomber says:

    I realize today how much pride has festered in my heart and mind. I ask Lord that You would remove that from my heart, wash me clean, and create a humble heart within me. Amen

    How often have I used my ministry “background” to assume I knew more than those who are younger or less experienced? How often have I discounted the ideas of another when the Holy Spirit might be empowering them to new things and new beginnings. Oh, Lord, forgive me and create in me a humble heart that sees others as priceless leader-servants in Your kingdom.

  2. Tara VinCross says:

    Oh God, I pray that I will be able to realize more and more that it is about you and not me. I surrender myself and anything in me that wants to claim this vision as my own. It’s all yours – your vision, your dream, your people and your restoration and redemption that you bring. Thank you for your invitation to be a part of what you’re doing!

    As I read 1 Samuel 5 today I was impressed with how you took care of your reputation and the honor due your name. Even when your people, the Israelites, messed up, you worked to show your power, glory and might to the Philistines without any action done by your people. You are the same today. I am humbled before you. I am grateful for the great privilege of being used by you.

  3. aamphd says:

    When Bill Cork said, “Let’s do a blog for IGNITION,” I really didn’t fully fathom the blessing it would be. I have great admiration for Bill’s ability to pen his thoughts and felt it would be a nice angle on IGNITION, but it really didn’t dawn on me how it would move me to read your thoughts, prayers, process, and conversations.

    So let me praise GOD for Bill’s idea to blog IGNITION. It is an intriguing source of cyber-community for me. Thanks Bill.

  4. Bill says:

    You’re welcome, Allan. 🙂

    I haven’t been posting much, but I’ve enjoyed reading the posts and the comments and seeing how this has taken off. You never can tell how something will turn out. Thanks to all our bloggers and to those who have joined in the conversation!

  5. Bid says:

    Dear Lord,
    Thank you for reminding me that all of the charm and beauty amount to nothing if it is coming from a self centered heart. I often get caught up in want to fit in, want to feel good about my “performance”. I give in to the ego builders. Please help me to say “No!” Give me the posture of graceful servant and help me to say “Yes!” to the humble.
    In His name, Amen

  6. aamphd says:

    I don’t want to crash.

  7. suzydmd says:

    I was surprised how late in the day it was before I took the opportunity to praise someone else’s idea. Hence today’s title: humility–ouch!! Being the boss sure makes it easy to avoid practicing humility. Perhaps it’s no accident I chose to make a life telling others what to do–and how to do it. I
    grateful for this FEAST and for all Gods reminders. Sure beats the “crashes” I’ve experienced as a result of my pride.
    Lord, today and everyday I will pray for a servants heart.

  8. aamphd says:

    Self-centered pride is a very lonely, painful place. Lord GOD be my Rescuer, save me from my”self.” MyEgo, MyStuff, MySpace… Help me to release and resort to You as the center of life. Replace ego with earnest, replace stuff with satisfaction, replace turf with truth. May humility offer me community in the host of those who worship You. May I serve You today Lord, and everyday to follow. Amen.

  9. Alberto Mares says:

    One of my favorite verses is 1 Peter 5:6–Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time… and it speaks true every time… Lord, allow me to humble myself in all that I do, even at the toughest of times, b/c no matter what, it is all about You….

  10. Lord, continue to shape a “servant’s heart” in me. Let me live out the “ordinance of humility” as a lifestyle, following the pattern You set. Although I have worked hard to be known for many things, may I be humbled so that You can shine brighter and may all fame go to You. Amen.

  11. Marivic D. McFall says:

    Help me Lord to think of others not for my own advantage only…Give me a heart to put myself aside and encourage others a friend who is discouraged and afflicted. Use me to be a blessing to them. And above all help me to acknowledge that everyone is special and important. My special request to you is to make me a servant, humble & meek that my husband will see Jesus Christ through me. I need you always for I am very weak.

  12. suzy wilbur says:

    this was, once again, the hardest day of this FEAST for me!! i am echoing many of the sentiments of my 2010 post! still praying for a humble heart that acknowledges others–a life filled with less crashes and more humility!! “if you have a heart, if you care, do me a favor, agree with each other, love each other . . .” this really speaks to me. i continue to embrace the mantra, do i want to be right, or happy? Lord, give me a heart that is less concerned with being right, doing it MY way, less prone to arguing, and more open to others’ needs and ideas, amen!

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